Transformers. Robots that transform into vehicles. While it would seem there is no way to improve on that concept, in "S.O.S. Dinobots," the cartoon upped the ante. Robots that transform into dinosaurs!? How is this possible?
Swoop (the third member of my squad) was introduced later. While the original Dinobots were kind of dim witted, Optimus Prime considered them pretty cool and asked for more. In "War of the Dinobots" Wheeljack and Ratchet pulled another Dr. Frankenstein and made Swoop and Snarl. Technically, Swoop is a pterosaur (pterodactyls are a type of pterosaur) which isn't a dinosaur, but having four Dinobots and a Pterobot doesn't have much of a ring to it so I'll give them a pass. Perhaps due to their sloppy paleontology, the Dinobots didn't really dig the Autobots at first, but when Prime saved Grimlock, they came around.
I'm a big dinosaur fan (if you can't tell from my science links above), so this deck celebrates everything Dinobot. The visual depiction of the deck is included at the end of the article.
Grimlock Powerful Commander (9)
Sludge Mighty Stomper (8)
Swoop Fearsome Flyer (6)
Jurassic Punch (1)
Heroic Spotlight (1)
Battle Cards (Number)(Pip) Note: the Heroic Spotlight Stratagem allows me to use two blue star cards which would otherwise exceed the star cap:
Dinobot Enigma (3)(G)
Dino-Chomp! (3)(B)
Electrified Spikes (3)(O)
Emergency Repair Patch (3)(B)
Enforcement Batons (2)(OG)
Enhanced Power Cell (3)(BL)
Grenade Launcher (3)(O)
High Five (3)(G)
I Still Function! (3)(no pip)
Improvised Shield (3)(OO)
Medic's Protective Field (3)(W)
Minor Medic Kit (3)(BL, BL)
Ready For Action (3)(no pip)
Energized Field (1)(BB)*
Fuel Cache (1)(WOB)*
Breakdown: 15 Orange, 9 Blue, 8 Green, 4 White, 9 Black. 22 Action, 5 Weapon, 10 Armor, 3 Utility.
Why these characters:
Dinosaurs are cool. Transformers are cool. Dinobots should therefore be the coolest. But I've never been able to make them work in the game. Perhaps Wave 5 has some tools to help. To keep with the theme, I wanted to have all dinobots but I didn't like the other combiner dinos very much. I chose Sludge because he can heal dinobots when they attack in his bot mode (and transfer damage to his alt mode when he flips). Hopefully, that can help keep Grimlock alive. I picked Swoop because his star count fits and I liked his alt mode ability to move a damage from him to an enemy when he flips.
This deck tries to use Sludge to keep Grimlock alive long enough to bring the other combiner Dinobots into the KO area so he can combine. Swoop is around to either draw an attack (because he's the squishiest target) or stay alive with his flips. His 3 atk, 10 HP, and 2 Def compare favorably with the wave 2 Dinobots and he costs fewer stars (Snarl is 3/9/2 and Swoop is 3/11/1 for 7 stars). Since I wanted to try Jurassic Punch, I can't use the 8 star combiner Dinobots.
I toyed with using Me Grimlock, You Grimlock to put a head on someone else to get them into the KO area as a Dinobot, then using I Still Function! to bring them to life for an attack, which could in theory spring the head into action when he dies after the turn ... but that seemed to be a lot of work and a lot of stars to bring a headmaster into the battle and I'm not sure if it is even legal.
With my extra stars, I used Jurassic Punch, because it seems like the only proper thing to do with a dino deck, even though I don't think the card is very useful and I doubt I'll make it to combination. Since the team is all Autobots, I used Heroic Spotlight to get some more star cards into my deck.
Why these battle cards:
Because I only have one of the combiner Dinobots in my lineup, I need to try to get Grimlock to attack as many times as possible. To do that, I need Ready For Action so I can untap him. I also need to keep him alive. So I included Medic's Protective Field, Minor Medic Kit, High Five, Enhanced Power Cell, and Emergency Repair Patch. The goal is to keep Grimlock alive so he can keep attacking and bringing out more of the Dinobots into the KO area.
To deal some damage, I added Enforcement Batons (which also has the nice effect of scrapping a weapon), Grenade Launcher, Improvised Shield (2 orange pips). I tried to include a fair amount of orange to trigger Energized Field and Electrified Spikes, but I admit I didn't put enough in to count on it reliably. I used Heroic Spotlight to fit Energized Field and Fuel Cache into my deck. I am hoping that is legal, as Fuel Cache has a blue pip and orange. I selected it for its pips, as I felt I needed more orange in the deck.
I had considered adding Swap Missions to get more attacks out of Grimlock, so that is an option as well. I didn't include it because it ends up tapping someone else, and I felt like that could be counterproductive on a 3 wide team.
Strategy: The idea is to keep Grimlock alive and get as many attacks out of him as possible. I am going to need to squeeze four attacks out of him to make it work, which will be very tough. Sludge should help, as should all the 'keep him alive' cards I put in my deck. Once I get Grimlock into bot mode, he doesn't need to transform anymore. Similarly, once I get Sludge into bot mode, he will only have to flip if I really need him to transfer some damage from Grimlock to himself. That leaves Swoop free to flip back and forth to heal himself or to transform the bots in the KO pile to get into combiner position. The first two turns, I'd transform Grimlock and Sludge, with the order varying depending on if I go first or second and what the opponent does.
Ready For Action will hopefully let me untap Grimlock, which is needed to keep him from being targeted by everyone and allow him to attack again, bringing another combiner Dinobot into my KO area.
The health and healing effects are all funneled to Grimlock (and Sludge if I need to siphon off some of Grimlock's damage). If I can pull this off long enough, I just might be able to combine these guys into Volcanicus. He should be able to one shot anyone on the other team, so I'm hoping it has become a 1 on 1 at that point.
Note 1: Slag/Slug is not on the team, but he had a sweet line in Transformers: The Movie:
Note 2: If you use this deck against a plane team, use the picture of Grimlock biting a plane out of the air to argue he should get to immediately K.O. a plane.