Neal Page: ...Del? Why did you kiss my ear?
Del Griffith: ...Why are you holding my hand?
Neal Page: ...Where's your OTHER hand?
Del Griffith: ...Between two pillows...
Neal Page: ...Those aren't pillows!
Del Griffith: Aaaaaahhh!
I have the included the fortressmaximus.io visual deck at the end of the article.
Raider Triggerhappy (8)
Captain Astrotrain (12)
Dead End (5)
Battle Cards (Pip)(Number):
Attack Drone (WG)(3)
Bad Attitude (None)(1)
Defensive Configuration (O)(3)
Energy Pack (O)(1)
Extra Padding (BG)(3)
Force Field (W)(3)
Grenade Launcher (O)(3)
Incoming Transmission (O)(1)
Inferno Breath (B)(1)
Kinetic Converter (W)(1)
Mining Pick (O)(2)
Minor Medic Kit (BL,BL)(1)
Repair Bay (O)( 2)
Scoundrel's Blaster (BG)(3)
Sturdy Javelin (W)(3)
Swindled (O)(3)
Terrifying Resilience (O,BL)(2)
Treasure Hunt (O)(2)
Breakdown: 19 Orange, 9 Blue, 10 White, 9 Green, 4 Black. 10 Actions, 16 Weapons, 8 Armor, 6 Utility
Why these characters: Triggerhappy = Plane. Astrotrain = train. Dead End = Automobile. It's kind of that simple. While there is only one train in the game so far, I did have some options with planes and cars. I decided to go all Decepticon, which narrowed things down. I like how Triggerhappy can return a weapon from the scrap pile to my hand, which could help rescue grenade launchers and help get weapons onto Astrotrain. Of the cheap Decepticon cars, I like Dead End's draw a card flip ability as it helps me get possible upgrades for Astrotrain.
Strategy: At first I thought this would just be a super janky deck built around the title of an obscure 80s movie that wouldn't work. But I may have stumbled onto something. After playing equal partner in my Cosmotrain! deck, Astrotrain is the centerpiece. He needs upgrades. Triggerhappy (weapons from scrap pile) and Dead End (draw card) have flip abilities that can help him get them. Could these decepti-bros actually make a team? With my heavy slant towards weapons, maybe! First round, if I have an upgrade, flip Triggerhappy to get him in position to snag a weapon, as I expect a weapon to come out during the first round given the number I have in my deck. If no upgrade in hand, flip Dead End to get a card. Put upgrades on Astrotrain. Second round, flip Astrotrain if he has second upgrade. If he doesn't have an upgrade yet, flip Triggerhappy to get one. Bonus points if at some point you pull off a combo or pull a sweet card and yell "Those aren't pillows!"
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