Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Siege Conversion (Netflix Spoilers)

Spoilers for season 1 of Netflix's War for Cybertron series below.

This deck is based around Decepticons who saw the light and became good guys on the Netflix Transformers War for Cybertron Series. WARNING: Read no further if you haven't watched the show yet.  Seriously, stop reading and go watch it now. It's pretty good!

As always, the fortressmaximus.io visual depiction of the deck is included at the end.

Captain Impactor (7)
Jetfire Air Guardian (10)
Specialist Ratchet (8)

Battle Cards (Pip)(#):
Armed Hovercraft (B)(2)
Composite Armor (O, BL)(2)
Crystal of Power (BL)(3)
Defensive Configuration (O)(3)
Emergency Repair Patch (B)(3)
Energon Axe (B)(3)
Enhanced Power Cell (BL)(3)
Escape Route (WG)(3)
Ghost Shield (O)(3)
Grenade Launcher (O)(3)
Junk Cannon (O)(3)
Medic! (no pip)(3)
Medic's Protective Field (W)(3)
Rapid Conversion (W)(3)
Breakdown: 14 Orange, 8 Blue, 9 White, 3 Gren, 8 Black. 9 Actions, 14 Weapons, 6 Utility, 14 Armor

Why these characters:
In the show, Jetfire starts out as Megatron's #1.  He seems like a pretty honorable dude, but he's got Starscream needling him.  When Megatron's nastiness becomes too much, he switches sides (which is a notable difference from the original cartoon origin, as depicted in this TCG deck).

Impactor is also a bad dude when we meet him, but Ratchet finds him all blown up and repairs him.  He decides to pay it forward and help him around the hospital.  When Ratchet gets drawn into the conflict, Impactor comes along to make sure his buddy Ratchet is ok.  He eventually makes the conversion complete and joins the good guys (though it is questionable how well that works out for him).

Why these battle cards:
Medic and Medic's Protective Field seem like required cards with Ratchet, and he gets to start with a Medic card in is hand. Jetfire's flip ability lets me retrieve an Armor or Utility from the scrap pile and put it in my hand.  So, I loaded up on them (Defensive Configuration, Emergency Repair Patch, Enhanced Power Cell, Medic's Protective Field, Crystal of Power).  Defensive configuration allows me to have more armor slots, which could be helpful with Jetfire continuously digging for them.  Composite Armor helps Impactor (I'm not sure if Jetfire's ability let's me play it on him, though I think there was a ruling somewhere about it). Ghost Shield allows me to upgrade my defense if I have taken up all my armor slots.  Because Jetfire needs to flip to retrieve cards, I added Rapid Conversion and Escape Route.  Energon Axe only works on damaged characters, which seems to fit the theme given Ratchet's repair job on Impactor. 

Now that the gang is all together and on the right side of the war, it's time to fight.  Ratchet starts out with Medic! in my hand (which is one reason he's fun to put in healing decks).  Impactor goes first, flipping to bot mod to get his bold 1 bonus.  Given the number of upgrades in this deck, there is a decent chance those three cards I flip (or four if I hit a white pip) will include an armor or utility.  If so, Jetfire transforms and snags it from my scrap pile.  Ratchet transforms and uses Medic to heal Jetfire or Impactor (to be TV show accurate, you should tell your opponent they have to attack Impactor).  That gives him +1 attack to go along with healing.  He then stays in bot form, while Jetfire pretty much flips back and forth to collect upgrades.

Looking for more War for Cybertron fun?  Here is a spoiler filled examination/discussion of the Netflix show's first season.

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